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I ran part of "The Rising Knight" at a game store last week. The party ran into a Llamnasu. Lots of great role-playing. We had a lot of fun.
What have you been playing online?
Hi all,
Old Man
Been running The Umbrage Saga online with some friends I left behind in Oregon, when I moved to Maine. They just started the Dungurd caves, from Back to Blacktooth Ridge. Unfortunately, I'm sitting typing this instead of playing, as one of my players had some computer issues and my other player tonight has remotely logged on the first players computer to see what is going on. Hmm, hopefully we'll have some time left to play tonight!
That's cool you're still playing with your friends from Oregon, Dachda. I had a group in California and we had just finished The Rising Knight before I moved to Cleveland. When I got here I started a new group and have finally started the Umbrage Saga back up. Any tips on running it? What software are you using?
Just using Roll20. I'm using the maps from the adventures, though I'm never happy with TLG maps, too many errors. I did change the Dungurd maps so there weren't passages going over passages. That way the dynamic lighting feature and fog of war won't reveal too much. I'm using Realmworks to keep track of all the Botkinburg people and what info they've told the players. Especially useful since we only play once a month so we forget what's happening a lot.
We've been polishing our Realms of Wor setting. For the most part we've been using Swords & Wizardry while I patiently wait for my new copy of the Castle Keeper's Guide to arrive... Then I'm going to be hard at work putting material into Seige Engine compatibility.
Yep... My job is gaming, and it's awesome!